Thursday, June 03, 2010

Child's Play

Although a little 2 yr old gremlin often takes over his body, Micah is still essentially a really sweet little dude. He is always finding Lizzie's paci and putting it in her mouth and he loves to share with her. His food, his toys.....

Luckily Elizabeth is fairly laid back about it...

Micah is VERY proud of his generosity :)

and you know what they say, when life gives you lemons...

...make them into a snack.

or something like that :)



Nate said...

I love it when you post pics of the kids on your blog, but I might just need to wait until right before I leave work before checking it...makes me miss the kids even more, and I want to just rush home to give them kisses and hugs!

czstout said...

So cute Abby....Micah has a sweet heart to want to share with sister :) I love all the pics you post!

dad said...

Very cute pictures.

Unknown said...

you sure do have a lot of blankets. your kids are so precious! so fun to see you last week!

Wendy Fincher said...

Love your blog I just cracked up at the pictures of the blocks because it is so my house too. I have a 3yr old son who also gets take over by a grimlin and a 4 month old baby girl who just deals with him.