Confession: I have always found it annoying and a bit tedious when people spelled things out in front of their kids so that they won't understand what is being said. I think I even said at one point that I would NEVER do that... HA!! Once again saying the word never has come back to bite me.... big time :P I particularly like it when I have to spell out longer things like, "Hey Nate, should we give him f-r-u-i-t s-n-a-c-k-s?? At least once a day I completely lose myself halfway through the spelling out of some word.... is it worth it?? Heck yes!!! To have your toddler not know that you are saying "cake" is TOTALLY worth it. Anyhoo, p-e-a-c-e o-u-t :)
Yeah well, a big part of being a parent is doing things that you swore you never would. There's a reason parents sometimes seem to engage in tedious behavior.
Random fact: My security word is "oveni". Isn't that Italian?
Sounds about right to me :)
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