Jane was 32 weeks along as of last Friday! She is head down and is persisting in doing all sorts of break dancing moves in there. My doctor's appointment last week went well and I get to wait 2 weeks until my next one! I'm allowed to do a bit more with the restrictions being that I still shouldn't be lifting anything, standing for any length of time or exercising. And I'm still supposed to sit as much as possible... just knowing I'm allowed to get up if I want to has made me feel so much better! My body has definitely been letting me know when enough is enough (it doesn't take much to reach my limit), so I'm just trying to listen to it and sit :)
I got an unexpected ultrasound at my appointment (yay!) and little Janie is growing right on schedule! Everything measured perfect for her gestational age and the tech estimated her to be 3 and a half pounds. So glad she's still baking and so glad I can return to some measure of normalcy! Here are some numbers to freak a person out, if Jane were to come at full term (37 weeks) then we only have 32 days left to go! If she goes to her due date, it's only 53 days... weird!
I'm glad that you can do some more now!
A lot of praying has gone into getting that little girl to stay put. I'm happy the answer so far has been, "Yes."
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