I went in for my normal OB appointment on Thursday and when I told the nurse I was having an increase in contractions, she decided to check me for dilation... Surprise! I was already 1 cm dilated and was admitted to the hospital for observation for the following 30 hours. After anti-contraction meds, steroid shots and constant monitoring the doctor felt I was good to go home on Friday late afternoon.
So from Friday at 4pm until now I have been on strict bed rest at home and we will find out more at my next appointment later this week. They didn't want to check me for dilation in the hospital since checking can sometimes get things started. At my next appt they will check and I will find out what kind of restrictions I can expect going forward.
I have to be honest, the whole thing is very discouraging for me. I feel lazy for not being able to do anything, frustrated at having to cancel so many plans, guilty for relying so heavily on Nate and sending him to get me water, or my computer, or a Baby Ruth ;-) and just plain antsy trying to sit still....
It's worth it for Jane. And I feel grateful for the steroid shots that are maturing Janie's lungs in case she comes early. I feel grateful for a husband who is such a servant without complaining and for a job that will allow him to work from home. I am grateful for friends who are bringing us food, driving me around to appointments, offering to entertain our kids, sending me encouraging notes, and most of all praying for Jane's health. I'm thankful that Jane is still cooking and not stuck in a NICU incubator.
There is so much to be thankful for and I hope to have even more things after my next appointment!

Hang in there Abs. I'm praying for you and Jane (and Nate).
Oh Abby I know how hard bed rest is and trust me it is easier than having your baby in the NICU. I will continue for strength and patience for you and your family.
Thanks for the complete rundown on your situation, Abby. I know it's frustrating as well as worrisome. Nate is a sweetheeart:)
You can do it friend! Praying for strength!
I am so glad your contractions stopped. However I can only imagine how hard bed rest must be. Praying that Jane continues to grow healthy and hang out a while longer :)
I helped my sister out when she was on bedrest. She had a bell. (nuff said)--We watched a Dating Story, a Wedding Story, and a Baby Story (in that order) every day. She was like that for 4 months. And the baby came on time--her previous baby was a bit early (30 wks)--that baby is now a healthy 15 year old...time flies! Each day, each hour, each minute, God is forming your sweet baby Jane. She is fearfully and wonderfully made. Thank you for the example of sweet dedication to God and to your family.
Sometimes we are called to be still. In your case, this is literal. :)
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