With a lot of family out of town this year and us unable to travel, we weren't expecting much out of Thanksgiving this year. We were very pleased when my grandma emailed and asked if we wanted to join her for Thanksgiving dinner at Eagles Trace. It was great! We got to see my aunt, her husband, and my cousin as well. The kids were SO GOOD the entire time we were there, even in the dining room. They were interactive with their relatives and just sweet as pie :)
They enjoyed watching the parade and exercising on GG's bike before it was time for our dinner seating~

They definitely started to fade after the meal, but still kept up being really happy and fun to be around. My Aunt Melinda took a family shot for us and I'm so happy with how it turned out!

The kiddos playing around~

As my mom said, "You can really see the Asian heritage!" in this pic~
It really turned out to be a great Thanksgiving for me, too! The kids were so good...I was afraid they would be bored in my apartment.but it turned out I had a jungle gym in my stationary bike!
Yep, there's a touch of Japanesey goodness in those two.
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