Trying to stay seated as much as possible has been a challenge, but I have been working on ways to be useful without leaving the couch and I have to say that last night I think I outdid myself a bit. I managed to make dinner... on the couch :) Nate brought me all of the ingredients along with the cookie sheet, cutting board and knife. All it took was a
TV tray and the nerve to assemble the meal on the cookie sheet which was balanced on the couch cushion in front of me.
Micah liked it as he often stands on a chair to watch me cook and this was right
in front of him! Now this does have limitations, aka I can't make anything that requires the use of the stove, and I had to be very careful to keep the food off the couch. BUT I'm excited and it makes me feel productive... I'm looking forward to making a homemade pizza tomorrow in my gourmet couch kitchen!
Photos, please:)
VIDEO, please :D
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