Well, I decided we would get it for him for Christmas (it's good that he's too young to realize that it came out this week :) and I started looking for some deals on it. I started with the standard Disney new release coupon for $5 off. You can get it here. Then I moved on to rebates... Holy bajoly, there are some GOOD rebates for this movie!! Here are the three I decided on~
Band-Aid/ Johnson and Johnson
Kimberly Clark
The total rebate value is $25!! I found the 5 disc combo for the cheapest at Best Buy. It was $25, so after the coupon I got the movie for $20. After rebates, I'm getting paid $5 to take the movie!! Well, that's one way to look at it :) The reality is that you have to spend money on the rebates to get the money back... let's be honest. But here is my breakdown~
I got-
30 (double) rolls of Cottonelle toilet paper.... does anyone even make single rolls anymore?
2 large packages of Huggies baby wipes
80 Band-aids
1 pkg of gauze pads
1 roll of medical paper tape
32 batteries
Cars 2 5 disc pack which includes; the 3D Blu-ray copy, regular 2 disc Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital Copy of the movie
and it all is costing me $40 after rebates. The total regular retail value of these items (before coupons) is $95... not too shabby! The great thing about these rebates is that they are all on very practical items that I already buy... might as well get something back for it!
If you seek to join my crazy train, just know that the sale prices on the movie as well as the coupon from Disney are only good through Saturday.. just FYI!
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