The kids were a wreck when Nate and I had to leave for the hospital the night before Janie was born. While there were multiple reasons that I was anxious for labor to move more quickly than it was, the biggest was that when we left the night before, I anticipated Jane being born during the night and that the kids could come up and see us right after they woke up. As labor continued and we approached nap time, it broke my heart that the kids wouldn't see us before they woke up from their naps.
The kids were definitely ready to see us and when Nate met them outside the hospital, they ran up to him and smothered him in a great big hug~

Headed up to meet baby Jane~

She is looking so old to me recently!

Making introductions....

Micah is such a sweet kid and he has been so interested in Jane~

Apparently the entire time we were in the hospital, the kids ate.... 24/7. According to both sets of grandparents, they were endless pits and each time they came to the hospital, they helped themselves to whatever they found on my tray as well~

Jane meeting Grandma Cathryn.

I got some sweet snuggles from Lizzie :)

Scoring even more of Mommy's food...

Lizzie found a buddy in her Aunt Ray~

Heading home...
Love the pictures. You're right about Lizzie; she's very quickly looking less like a toddler and more like a little girl. Every age seems to suit her though.
Those pictures are so cute as was the commentary that accompanied them! I also agree that Lizzie looks older...she just gets prettier and prettier!
sounds like the bottomless pits were emotionally eating. :)
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