Monday, August 10, 2009

13 Weeks

This week's myth is one that people LOVE to try. It involves hanging your wedding ring from a string over your belly. If it moves from side to side then you are having one gender, in circles then you are having the other. The problem with this one? I can't find a consensus on which movement means which gender. In fact, I have searched ALOT and found about 50% of sites say one thing and the other half say the other thing. Well, I tried it anyway and the ring stayed still, then moved back and forth... stilled briefly.. then moved in circles. Soooooooo... ok then. Some people say that this test tells you the gender of past babies too with pauses in between. Anyhoo, if that's the case, then my results mean girl (since it moved both ways, so one must be Micah and the other says I have a girl inside.... or something like that). Whatever :P

Up until this point, Blueberry’s head has been the largest part of his/her body, but that is beginning to change. Blue’s head is now only about 1/3 of his/her total body. Unique fingerprints are now located on the tips of Blue’s fingers. The kidney and urinary tract are completely functional which allows the amniotic fluid he/she has been swallowing to be excreted. Covering Blue’s skin is a fine, soft hair called lanugo.

Blueberry is now the size of a very cute, fuzzy peach... (for the "fuzzy" explanation, see above :)

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dad said...

So what gender prediction do you get when you hang the ring over Nate's belly?

Amy said...

Have I told you already that I think you're having a girl? Just putting it out there.