As soon as I found out the Jane was a girl, I was instantly on the hunt for a diaper bag for her. Lizzie's still goes to the nursery with her, so I needed a new one. I checked all of the big retailers and discovered that it is very difficult to find a diaper bag smaller than a baby elephant. I seriously felt dwarfed as I picked up bag after bag that Micah could easily fit in... maybe even with Lizzie. I switched to
Etsy and found that it was still really difficult to find smallish bags and the ones I did find suffered from a major case of boutique pricing.
What's a girl to do? I decided to swallow my fear and make my first real bag~

So pretty, so cost me less than $15. I wish I could have used the pink fabric on the outside of the bag, but it is woven and would snag and stain too easily if it was on the outside of the bag. Still, I thought that it was a super fun surprise on the inside of a tame brown bag~

It isn't without flaws (not even close!) but I'm pretty happy with it as my first structured bag!
Today is Look for an Evergreen Day and Oatmeal Muffin Day.
I think it looks are so clever:)
Wow, that's an impressive bag! And there are ones like that on Etsy in the $50 and up range. Well done.
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