Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Growth Chart and a Drive By

Here is the belly at 23.5 weeks....somewhat unmistakable :)

How big is your baby?
Your baby is now 11 inches long and weighs 1.25 to 1.5 pounds.

What is happening with your baby?
Your baby's brain is growing rapidly at this time. Taste buds are also developing, and the lungs are becoming more developed and complex. The branches of the main lung are beginning to form as well as special cells that will produce surfactant. Surfactant is necessary for the air sacs to inflate easily.

If now is when the taste buds start to form, should I make a point to eat more Cajun food? I mean, I don't want a son who is a sissy and can't eat spicy food.... :P

Kind of fun story~

I was out "in the field" yesterday (which in this case is a fancy term for, "I walked neighborhood streets all day in a subdivision we are evaluating for the City of Taylor Lake Village to figure out where water is ponding and where flooding would most likely occur....round two is tomorrow) and a car was passing us when the driver lowered her window and yelled, "Boy?". Ummm, what? was basically the face I had on. "Are you having a boy?" She clarified. "Yeah..." I replied cautiously. "I knew it." she said matter of factly and drove away. I looked at my coworker and we both just shrugged our shoulders and moved on......I guess I am showing in more ways than one now :)


Anonymous said...

There apparently will never be a lack of numbskulls on the earth who firmly believe they can predict a baby's gender based on the shape of his mothers tummy. Back in the 90's the much more scientific "Draino test" was touted for its accuracy. Alas, the further development of ultra-sound imaging has had a deleterious effect on the continuing development in other fields of gender-prediction studies.

Jen Lewis said...

Wow, you are getting bigger faster now! I just saw you two weeks ago and you are noticably larger. Grow Micah, grow!!! Can't wait to hang out next weekend!!!

Amy said...

I'm so glad you're doing these pictures. It will help prevent Ben and I from being in shock next time we see you!

And I totally agree with your dad. :-)

Abby said...

Ah yes, a girl in my ss class was absolutely positive about what me and a friend were having... she was right on one and wrong on the other, pretty much the same odds anyone has at guessing something with only two outcomes :)

I think this picture makes me look bigger than I actually am, but then again, maybe I'm just delusional.

Amy- I have to admit, it'd be a little more fun for me to see you after awhile if you hadn't seen the pictures.. I like the shock factor :)

Me said...

How funny on the drive-by! I didn't know you came down to my neck of the woods (work-wise anyway) for your work! I promise it wasn't me guessing the sex of your baby by the shape of your belly though!