Thursday, April 10, 2008

Random facts from the other side

Woo Hoo, an unexpected break…. And so soon!! Well, I'm choosing to use today's blog to right a wrong I have been (lovingly) accused of…. Erin said last night that the preggers women in the class were keeping all of the good pregnancy info that is lesser known to themselves. I suppose this is true. Maybe it's because I want my friends to have kids and if they knew what an out of body experience it was, they might decide to abstain :P This leads me to my points for today. Consider them a very quick, very random overview of what you might not know. (and maybe never wanted to)

1) Your body is no longer yours. It is the baby's and the hormones'.

2) Almost all of your normal bodily functions will change in one way or another. A fun side note on this one, everyone is different, so for the most part nobody will be able to tell you how things are going to change.

3) Invisibility begins before the birth. Sure, we all expect the focus to be on baby after they're here, but be prepared for almost everybody to talk to you exclusively about the pregnancy as soon as you announce it.

4) A pregnancy is NOT 9 months. It is 40 weeks. The weirdest thing? They count the weeks such that on the day you conceive, you are already "2 weeks pregnant". Go figure.

5) Your OB/GYN lives for pregnant women. Expect to have a choice of appointments (not having to call 6 months in advance is nice :P) and expect them to spend at least 3-4 times the amount of time with you as before.

6) Micah is not a performing monkey. When I really want him to kick for someone to feel it, he is completely still. If he is kicking, he stops the instant someone places their hand on me to feel it. (He kicked me just now for writing this) He kicks the most when I am completely still and not talking, aka at work or at home in the nighttime. He likes it the most when I eat crunchy things or swallow water. I read in my pregnancy journal this week that at this point he mostly hears me talking, my heartbeat, and things like my stomach growling… pretty cool actually :)


Anonymous said...

It sounds like Micah kicks when he's bored. Reminds me of someone.....I'll let you know when I think of just who. In the mean time, perhaps your mom (or Amy) might have an idea.

Tabaitha said...

also another tidbit that my be tmi...when you give birth, some women lose control and push things out other than the baby and fluids if you know what i mean. thank goodness this didn't happen to me, but it did happen to one of my good friends and she was so embarassed.