I know that the benefits of breastfeeding should make it totally worth it and keep me from wanting to quit... but it's hard and time consuming and less convenient than formula and I'll admit, I've thought (not seriously yet) about giving up. Then, a friend of mine with a 4 month old dropped off dinner last night and told me she spends $240 a month on formula!! Holey Moley!! Now THERE is some serious motivation to stick with it!!!
6 years ago
Hang in there. I feel you pain. I ended up getting Mastitis while breastfeeding Mason and even with the antibiotics, I couldn't push through it. To this day, I wish I had, but I know at the time I did what was best for Mason and myself. Formula is expensive. We used Similac and it cost us about $156 a month. I'm praying that things will get better.
Hey Abby, I just wanted to encourage you and let you know that you are not alone. My first month of breastfeeding was so hard. I wanted to give up. The only thing that made me stick with it was determination because I knew it was the best thing for my baby. I saw a lactaton consultant as well, and she helped me so much. It took until Carli was a little over a month old for things to get better for me, and now we couldn't be happier! She is 3 months old and breastfeeding is great. So hang in there, even the roughest starts can have happy endings.
hey Abby!! He is so adorable! I will be praying for you - sorry I don't have any life experience advice to share here...:)
I'd love to come visit in the next couple weeks...let me know when is good for you!
Abby I'm SO proud of you! My mom nursed all my siblings and I (7 of us) and she says there is no substitute for the bond created with your child through the time you get together nursing. I'm so proud of you and I can only imagine all the work and effort you are putting into this. God is faithful and I'm praying for you and encouraged by you! PRESS ON!
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