Monday, January 07, 2008

They're Baaaaaaack!!

That's right kids, American Gladiators has returned to network TV with somewhat of a vengeance. For those of you who are fans of the old show, this one keeps many of the same games while adding a twist (jousting over a pool of water) and also adds new games. (Like running across a suspended bridge while gladiators throw 100 lb demolition balls at you from both directions) Anyways, I'm pretty pumped about it even though the new AG persona is just about as corny as the original.... but hey, that's part of the fun, right?

Nate and I went over to Kim and Tim's last night to watch the premier after we all discovered on Friday night that we secretly watched old reruns of AG on ESPN classic and really REALLY enjoyed them :) Anyways, for those of you that didn't see it yesterday and don't like football (GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!), they are re-airing the premier tonight on NBC. Fun stuff :)


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that AG didn't air here. The BCS Championship would be of more interest to me anyway, but I would guess it probably starts at 5:15 AM here and I don't plan to check my hotel channels for it until I get back from my run (about 6:15). I hope the Tigers show up hungry; it will make life with my coworkers from Ohio State a lot easier.

Anonymous said...

Well, I admit I watched part of AG last night, too, as did your brother and sister in law. Watch for some humiliated female AG's to be fierce tonight after not hanging tough last night. So just what were the ratings for AG last night?
PS I watched the Amazing Race located in Osaka, Japan in last night's episode. The big task : drive passengers in a taxi to a location written in Japanese AND return to your starting point. The passengers can't help you and you are driving on the left hand side of the street. Makes my mirror woes look tiny.

Abby said...

Dad- It's AMERICAN gladiators.. duh :P I hope for your sake that you come back to your room and find it on... if nothing else, you can monitor the game on the internet.

Mom- I have no idea what the ratings were, but I don't think I'm the only closet AG fan out there. Haha, well I have to say I'm glad I'm not those poor souls driving around Japan.. I never would have survived walking if not for my trusty Japan-amized tour guides :)