Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Growth Chart

And there is the glorious belly @ 22 weeks.... :)

How big is your baby?
Your baby has finally reached a weight of 1 pound and is approximately 10 inches long.

Yay, a pound!! Only a few more to go and he's ready to meet us! Luckily, it doesn't take quite so long for them to add the remaining pounds as it took for that first one to appear... can you imagine?? The pic was taken @ 22.5 weeks and I am now officially 23 weeks pregnant.


Tabaitha said...

You look great! Thanks, I really love the new look of my blog. I was just like you and didn't want to spend the money, but I tried to look at it like a long term investment. I would highly recommend her, she was great to work with.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you've grown so much since the last time I've seen you. It's fun being in the "unmistakably pregnant" stage.


Abby said...


what's scary is that I really am so much bigger than the last time you saw me.... and that was only 3 weeks ago!! Imagine what it'll be like in May :P

p.s.- Now that we are buying a house, I may need to schedule an impromtu San Antonio/San Marcos trip in June sometime :)