I have a problem. That's right, my name is Abby and I tell people the same stories over and over again. I have the unfortunate tendency to tell people stories that I have told them before whilst they smile and nod politely before telling me that I already told them this. DRAT. I find myself often thinking, "I need some new material!" like I fancy myself a stand up comic or something. What I have learned recently is that if you can't manage to come up with new material, new friends work just as well! That's right folks, new friends allow you to use recycled stories without fear of discovery. You get to turn off your brain and replay conversations from past gatherings, not to mention having the advantage of editing your script and leaving only the best received parts in :) Go forth, make new friends, appear intelligent and interesting all over again ;-)
6 years ago
I think you already posted something about this earlier. :)
You crack me up!
I am not sure I am comfortable with this post... Being an "old friend" and all. Are you at least going to make new friends and keep the old. I am either silver or gold after all... I never know which... But one!
That's exactly what I do.
Just what until Micah is old enough to tell you, "Mom. We've already heard that one."
I know I am destined to hear that statement, because I told it to my mother all the time.
We love hearing all of your stories! I definitely do the same things so you will have to tell me!
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