Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I am my mother's daughter

That's right..... I attract crazy people. Nate and I took Micah for a walk to our local polling place this morning and were pleasantly surprised to find only a 45-5o minute wait to vote. We took a gamble by going right when the polls opened, but it turned out ok for us. The only thing not ok was the lady in front of us.... OH MY GOSH. She would not stop talking.... loudly.... in a quiet gym..... mostly to us :P At one point, the guy in front of her said something to her to which she replied, "hey, every American's voice counts for something!" to which he replied "I'm not sure about that right now." Which was his version of "shut up, crazy lady".

People were staring at her the entire time as we found out that her son was an AP student and her Grandma lives in the hood in LA and that she is black, Irish and American Indian which leads to her always getting patted down at airports. She is from LA and doesn't vote straight ticket. Her son plays baseball and is going to the playoffs.... she nursed him. He wants to go to MIT. Her older son is 25. She thinks she might know who painted the mural in the gym. Her husband is in IT and so she "knows" that large blocks of votes will be lost by using non-paper ballots..... and so on and so forth.

Anyhoo, we voted and I'm glad it's over :)

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Anonymous said...

Laugh it off, but this is not the first complaint I've heard about excessive security screening of black, Irish, American Indians. There’s a proposition on the California ballot this year to stop it. And by the way, you’ve got to hook up with a lot more crazies to catch up with your mom; she's the master.

Amy said...

I love the randomness of her stories!