Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Acts of Service

If you have been anywhere near an Evangelical church in the past 10 years, you have (at some point) heard of the idea of love languages. A love language is the way that a person best gives or receives love. Nate is a words of encouragement guy, for example. After the past couple of days with my in laws here, I realized something; They are acts of service all the way. They show their love by helping out around the house and trying to make themselves useful. Now that I think about it, this was incredibly obvious before and I just didn't see it. It makes me appreciate them so much more! I am so thankful for the efforts that they put in while they are visiting us... Micah now has a swing on our back porch (as do we), three rooms have new ceiling fans, our guest bathroom has a new light fixture, and our yard has a lot less weeds. Thanks so much guys!!

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Kelli said...

That is awesome!!! It sounds like it was a great visit!

Anonymous said...

No doubt about it; you did a great job of choosing your in-laws.

The Goods said...

Abby - so what is YOUR love language?