Well, apparently I have one of those cravings. In my pregnancies, I don't crave weird combinations (like pickles and ice cream) or anything like that, but I do have very strong desires for certain products, some of which I may not have even eaten in a long time. During both pregnancies I have craved
IBC root beer,
Reeses Puffs cereal and a variety of desserts.
Well, during this pregnancy I have had a strange craving.... Spree. As in the candy. As in crunchy, fruity, slightly tart yu
mminess. Not really weird, right? WRONG! They are really hard to find in the store! I had no luck with
Wal Mart, Target, Kroger, or HEB. checked by the registers, I checked the candy aisles and I even checked the Halloween sections.... NADA. I have been looking for weeks and could only find them at the Exxon by our house where I paid double the normal cost for a little relief from my constant craving.
Well, not anymore my friends! I found them while looking for another obscure grocery item (Nabisco Famous Chocolate Wafers...still haven't found these) at Big Lots! I NEVER go to Big Lots, but it was worth it to walk in and see beautiful boxes of Spree lining the shelf.... SCORE!! Well, I thought I would show you guys a visual representation of what happens when you finally find something that you've been looking for and you aren't sure when you'll find it again~

That's right, you buy EVERY SINGLE BOX THEY ARE SELLING! (Plus two rolls for good measure ;-) These are the movie theater sized boxes, so they are quite large.... but still I couldn't resist stocking up while I had the chance. So I wanted to share this with you so that we could all learn an important lesson.... Never give up on your dreams. Keep pursuing what you are looking for and you will eventually find it. And when you do find it, buy a ton so that you don't have to search for it again :P