Thursday, October 15, 2009


My Christmas shopping is done! Well, pretty much :P I have a few things left for Micah and Nate's stockings, but that is it! I haven't wrapped anything yet, but since I bought my wrapping paper on clearance last January, I may start working on that when I get bored :P For those of you that think I'm crazy, this can't be a new idea to you! Of course I'm crazy! Getting things done early allows me to relax and enjoy the holiday season and all of the events associated with it. If that makes me crazy, then so be it.

If you need more evidence of my craziness, I have also bought all of the gifts for the Bunco night I am hosting in January... and I'm starting to look for decorations and recipes :P You see, it's a never ending cycle.... when you plan things early, say a December vacation is totally planned by October, then what do you occupy yourself with? That's right! Your January and February planning! I'm glad we are all in agreement on this ;-)

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Jenny said...

Could I hire you as my Personal Planner for an event known as My Life? I'm working on it... :P

Mary L said...

You are an inspiration :) I've always had trouble balancing living in the moment/being available and planning ahead!