Lizzie is 21 weeks along today! Elizabeth's eyelids have finished forming this week, and she is very busy moving around and swallowing amniotic fluid. As Lizzie swallows amniotic fluid, her digestive tract is continuing to mature. She is also receiving some of the caloric intake from the amniotic fluid. (I am doing my part to help that caloric intake by partaking in nightly mini ice cream sandwiches... 100 calories and oh so worth it :)
Cool beans :) At my last appointment I had another ultrasound to do measurements and Elizabeth is measuring perfectly on schedule. She did refuse to work with us on the money shot though.... I just wanted to check again that's it's a girl, but she would have none of it. I'm over it now and I'm confident in what I see in her 16 week pics as well as the confidence displayed by the ultrasound tech... who needs a second opinion? ;-) My little lady is now the size of a cantaloupe and is tipping the scales at around 12 oz..... I am... well, heavier than that :)
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