Thursday, May 31, 2007

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Dresses, the wave of my future...part two

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
When Tuesday is a Monday
~ Wednesday will feel like Tuesday, Thursday like Wednesday and Friday like Thursday at which point I will feel like I am getting off early for the week
~ I will be confused the rest of the week (what else is new)
~ Next week will be my first full week in awhile and it is going to feel excruciatingly long
Anyhoo, a quick Memorial Day update for you... over the holiday, Nate and I drove with my parents to spend the weekend at my brother's in San Antonio. We went to the outlets in San Marcos and just relaxed and hung out. I discovered some things about myself this weekend..
~ I am not very sportsmanlike when it comes to games with an element of subjectivity.
~ I get that from my dad.
~ You can never get too many hugs from your niece.
~ Not all Freebirds are made the same and sometimes your burrito guy and you just don't quite gel.
~ Super Target really is the sum of all things good.
Friday, May 25, 2007

I went to see "Spamalot" last night at the lovely Hobby Center and I have to say that I'm torn. Not unlike the movie itself, the musical was silly and hilarious while often hovering in or near the realm of being inappropriate. Nate and I took up a vote and decided that we were glad we went, but it wasn't the sort of thing we would take our kids to later in life. All that said, I don't know whether I recommend it to others... it was entertaining and I thoroughly enjoyed it but I feel as though my morality was struck a blow by being there. For those of you that are now thinking "Gee, I'd like to go for the entertainment value but I'm not sure I care for the innuendo.", here's a few of my favorite moments....
During a song that explains that you won't succeed on Broadway if you don't have any Jews.... "There is a very small percentile who enjoys a dancing Gentile!"
During the second act, a main character from act 1 comes out and sings a song entitled "What happened to my part?" lamenting her lack of stage time in act 2.
They pulled a real live old lady out of the audience and gave her an Arthur Award after discovering that the holy grail had been under her seat the whole time. The woman looked dumbfounded and a little frightened as the knights took pictures with her.
You know what? Writing these out is something akin to reading a comic strip out loud to someone who can't see it and expecting them to laugh. I apologize for attempting to pass on something so not pass-on-able, but in all honesty I just had to find a way to write "There is a very small percentile who enjoys a dancing Gentile" within some sort of context because it made (makes) me laugh :)
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Automatic Reply
Monday, May 21, 2007
"House" is only two letters away from "Hosed"
Wait, did you say house hunting? For who, I thought your parents had decided on a house? Well, so did they :P I will give you the Cliff notes version, but the whole thing is just to weird not to tell. So, the owner of the house my parents were going to buy has been weird throughout the process. The bidding was weird and all the dealings with him had been weird including him staying in the house while my parent's inspector was there to keep tabs.
Owner is weird #1- Ignoring the previous weirdness mentions, I start now at #1. It was more expensive for the owner to move on Memorial Day weekend and so he asked that he be allowed to stay in the house for a week or so after closing. This is pretty normal... typically the old owner will pay the mortgage/utilities/property taxes of the new owner for the time they stay there after ownership has passed. Well, the owner offered my parents $1 a day since they won't have a mortgage. That is ridiculous! My parents countered with $30 a day (which doesn't come close to covering utilities and property tax.. Also, typically the amount is $100-200 a day) The owner got angry and came back with a penny a day. Well, that was weird. My dad proposed that they sign the papers as planned and just not close until after the owners have moved, and this was accepted. Had the owner been thinking, he would have realized that $30 a day is far cheaper than his mortgage+utilities+tax, but he obviously did make the connection there.
Owner is weird #2- The inspection report listed several items that needed repair on the house. My parents decided to do all the repairs themselves except for one thing they asked thw owner to fix... the upstairs AC. The unit was corroded and as it turns out, the compressor needs to be replaced... an expensive repair. Typically speaking, the owner is responsible for replacing something as basic as an AC unit... the upstairs was super warm when we were there, so we were not surprised with the findings. Well, when the owner found out, he insisted on seeing the full report (a really bad idea as now they have to disclose everything on it to every potential buyer... even nit picky stuff) and proceeded to cut off contact with his realtor.... for almost a week. He did say that he'd made the repairs (when she finally got a hold of him), but he wouldn't sign the standard document that says you've made the repairs and protects my parents from having to make them themselves if he is lying. It gets to the point when there are 7 hours left in my parent's option period and no one can get in contact with the owner and he still hasn't signed. They tell him, "Either you sign or we walk" and...... nothing from the owner.
So, long story short, my parents withdrew their offer and as of last night had an offer on a beautiful home in North Lake. I will hold off posting pictures till after the option period, if you don't mind :)
Friday, May 18, 2007
It's a Boy!!
So get excited "Comings and Goings" fans, in just 5 short months I will begin posting with two, count 'em, TWO babies in my pictures.... does life get any better?
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Real life... sometimes it ain't pretty
Yesterday I had my second migraine of the week (the first was a sunday/monday special) and it was a doosey. I had a harder time falling asleep, as I usually do when I have a migraine, but then it woke me up in the middle of the night and wouldn't let me get back to sleep. After an hour of this I finally broke down and took some Excedrin migraine and went back to bed waiting for it to work, which it does a decent percent of the time but not always. 15 minutes later, before it kicked in, the nausea became overwhelming and I had the opportunity to revisit my dinner at 2 am... an experience that I could have passed on, thank you very much. The good news is that after 2 hours of lost sleep, the headache allowed me to return to sleep and I woke up headache free. Please pray that I stay headache free at least for today since I really need some rest and this cycle is just taking it out of me.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
It's a five pinner.....

Friday, May 11, 2007
Ode to my mother

~ She puts up with me (major points)
~ She is a prayer warrior and hears God's voice in a way that I've never seen anyone else hear it
~ When I am anxious or freaking out about something, she always knows how to calm me down and speak God's truth to me about the situation
~ She is a really fun person to hang out with. I think my brother helped her develop an even bigger sense of humor... it was a necessity to surviving teenage Ben.
~ She shops at Ann Taylor (Loft) with me
~ She is selfless and generous
~ She is hardworking and intelligent
~ She is kind and patient
~ She is super cool and for some reason thinks I am super cool
And the list goes on.....
Happy Mother's Day mom, God picked a good one for me :) Oh, and I am pleased as punch that you are back in Houston.... why don't we try staying here for awhile, shall we? :P
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Courtesy, Shmourtesy
Parental update- My rents are in a full blown housing and car hunt and are making me a little jealous that I can't go along with them. We are going to hang out with them tomorrow night, so maybe we can do a drive by of their favorite houses :)
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Dresses, the wave of my future.
Monday, May 07, 2007
"A" is for Amazing
My dad is going back to work ("What else would I do?" He asked me)
My mom is shopping for (most likely buying) a car this morning
They are both going at 1pm to look through a slew of houses with a realtor
I believe they are moving into their temporary apartment sometime in there too
Friday, May 04, 2007
Guilty Pleasure
Anyhoo, back to the Office. It has taught me so much about work and interoffice politics.. it's quite amazing actually. The Office has taught me....
~ It's ok to wear your hair the same way every day and only have three sets of work clothes.
~ Make sure you know the person you are messing with. You never know who can't take a joke and will punch out a wall in frustration.
~ Stupid, pointless meetings are a fact of life. The content varies.
~ Upper management tends to have a disconnect from..... well..... everybody else. And reality
~ Never step on an open George Foreman grill... never
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Bless you
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Bag Lady
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Mail Call
1) We had our monthly office lunch yesterday. Here is a quote for your amusement~
HR Rep- "I wanted to remind everybody about the comment/ suggestion box in the printer room. We are planning on adding one to the 290 office as well. Please feel free to add your comments and suggestions.... it is still anonymous, you don't have to include your name."
Office Leader- "That's true, although if you don't include your name then it is difficult for us to offer you a response."
HR Rep- "True. Basically if you don't put your name on it then we can't and won't do anything to address it. You don't HAVE to put your name, but you won't get a response and we won't do anything about it if you don't"
Ok, i'm sorry.... which part of this is anonymous?
2) I received a pile of mail yesterday from December/January of this year. Around 10 items in all that had been correctly addressed to me or Nate at our condo and had somehow gotten lost in the mail forwarding pit that is my life. In all fairness, there are three people (Mike, Clay and Dan) who are forwarding from our address and I am forwarding to it. Still, I can't figure out how Nate's mail got held for 4 months. They all came back with yellow labels that said "No Forwarding Found, Return to Sender" Or in this case, return to recipient. We also got a call from Jeff yesterday saying that my Reliant bill had been forwarded to him. Ok, I don't even want to know how that happened :P
p.s.- Grandma, we finally got your check yesterday. Don't worry, I shredded it :)