Thursday, May 31, 2007


While Nate and I were gone this last weekend, our digital thermostat died on us, perhaps having something to do with the storms. Nate noticed that the display was off when we got back and so we replaced the batteries and all seemed to be going well until.....a minute later part of the display started disappearing and only reappearing (selectively) with a nice whack upside the thermostat.

Well, we found something out. Not only is the display broken, but it can no longer monitor current temperature while it is cooling. For this reason, the past two mornings I have woken up and the temperature in our room has not been it's usual balmy 68 degrees. Oh no, it's MUCH lower. I shiver from the instant my feet hit the ground until I am fully dressed and have completed some warm myself up aerobics. The kicker in all of this is that it is so cold that all of my clothes are very, VERY cold and it takes a lot of body heat just to warm them up. Yesterday I took a blow dryer to my already dry hair just to speed up the process a bit :P

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