Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Dresses, the wave of my future...part two

That's right folks, I proved my ability to feel comfortable in my new dress at work so I rewarded myself with another new dress that I am wearing today :) I have to say that I am one who will be very disappointed when the wrap dress goes out of style, cause I look pretty stinkin good in it. To that end, I have decided to buy as many wrap dresses as possible before they are no longer fashionable so that for years to come I can bask in wrapped glory.... and be out of style. I'm thinking of building a bomb shelter-esque extra closet in which I can store said dresses. I may also install a 360 degree mirror so that I can analyze my outfits What not to Wear style and thus save myself the embarrassment of ever actually being nominated for that show (not that $5,000 in new clothes wouldn't be a pretty nice perk :)


Erin said...

wrap dresses will never go out of style, don't worry.

Ulovebeth said...

Diane von Fürstenberg. Don't forget that name.

And is that an Erin DuBroc I see??