Friday, May 04, 2007

Guilty Pleasure

Over the past 2 years or so, my brother has been singing the praises of the tv show, The Office. I resisted, I told him I didn't like it and I ignored his plea to try it again. Nope, I don't like it. Welllll, I got Ben season 1 for Christmas and watched a few with him. Hmmm, I kinda like this. We went back to their house a few months ago and he pulled out season 2. Hmmm, I really like this. At this point I proceeded to spend way too much money on itunes to purchase season 3 episodes so that I can catch up to where they are now. This all leads me to yesterday, where I find myself staring at the NBC weatherman who is doing one of those special severe weather forecasts and saying not nice things to him about how he better hurry up and I better not have missed any of "my show". This was before I heard him announce that they were broadcasting over commercials, not programming. Maybe I should have been more patient, but the guy was taking FOREVER and repeating himself at least 5 times in the, I kid you not, 5-8 minutes he was telling us that the storm had moved on.

Anyhoo, back to the Office. It has taught me so much about work and interoffice politics.. it's quite amazing actually. The Office has taught me....

~ It's ok to wear your hair the same way every day and only have three sets of work clothes.
~ Make sure you know the person you are messing with. You never know who can't take a joke and will punch out a wall in frustration.
~ Stupid, pointless meetings are a fact of life. The content varies.
~ Upper management tends to have a disconnect from..... well..... everybody else. And reality
~ Never step on an open George Foreman grill... never


Steph said...

where are you shipping your foot?

Liz said...

It's pretty much the best show ever. Did you see last week's episode where Jim came to work dressed like Dwight? It was fabulous! :)

Abby said...

I did! I was impressed by how much they looked alike. I almost came to work the next day dressed like Dwight as well, but I thought better of it :)

Jen Lewis said...

Abby, I am so addicted to the Office too! And let me just say Erin would be so proud of you. She practically has every episode memorized. I was also annoyed at the weather man... Glad I am not the only one ;). Or wait... I mean I was studying all night and didn't see it.... :) (Opps...A girls got to take a study break every once in a while... right?!?! :)