Thursday, February 01, 2007

Be Careful What You Put On Facebook

Sooooo, I have sorta become a part of the new-grad/intern hiring process at the company that I work for. I get to go through people's resumes from A&M and decide with Josh and Rob who gets an interview.... such power!! It's kinda funny because the stuff I used to complain about (" Why do people always want you to have work experience before you get a job? Somebody has to give you a first job or you'll never get experience!") I now use to discount candidates. "Hmm, no work experience..... doesn't know Microstation.... low GPR" I have to say, looking at the typical resume has given me a lot more confidence in my own resume which would have been nice to be confident about as I was interviewing, but I suppose it's better late than never :)

Anyway, the point of this blog... I've found a way to really see a candidate's personality without them knowing. I am on Facebook, it seems every college student in America is now on Facebook. Because I am in the A&M network, I can pretty much read the profile of any A&M student who has not restricted their profile to friends only. That means that if I am considering someone as a candidate, I can check whether they have listed beer pong as a favorite activity or whether they consider the Austin Powers series as film gold. It's very interesting what people will reveal on their profiles... I don't suppose they expect their future employers to have access to such things. I am happy to report that our three intern candidates have all passed the facebook test with flying colors...please proceed to your interview :)


Anonymous said...

What a shame that no one who was older and wiser and worked in the engineering field and had seen many resumees over their lifetime took a look at yours and assured you that it was a really good one. This would have saved you so much needless stress. Oh wait, someone did! That would have been ME! When will they listen.

Abby said...
