That's how old Micah is today... a year and a half! WOW! He has gotten so big so fast and it's difficult for me to remember what my life was like before he came into it. He is the hardest and absolute best part of our day and I am so thankful to have him in our lives! It's been awhile since I've done a list of what Micah is up to, so in honor of his half birthday, here it is :)
~Micah now gives kisses on the mouth (without being asked) and ends every day by blowing me anywhere from 1 to 30 kisses while Nate carries him up the stairs.
~He laughs... ALOT! He is such a happy kid, especially when he is able to run around freely.... When he is cooped up, however, he can still be quite the pill ;-)
~Micah has finally decided to explore his verbal side and is using more and more words every day! His pronunciation is surprisingly good and his favorite words are eat, tea, more, food, duck, puppy, kitty, shoe, momma, daddy, star and ball. He throws in other words all the time, but those are what I hear the most.... as in constantly :) Oh, and just three days ago, he started putting together phrases.... they have all involved food so far :P (Examples include, "More food!" and "Mama, I want more")
~Micah has been getting better and better at sorting things by color, building with blocks and even occasionally recognizing letters. He loves his new slide and can climb up the steps and slide down all on his own!
~Every time I pick him up from the nursery they tell me, "Well, he just ate and ate the whole time! He never stopped!" Ummm, yeah.. he NEVER stops, ever.
We love you so much Micah and we are thankful to have you every single day of our lives. We can't wait to see what kind of a big brother you are going to be!