And then it hit me... Lizzie had been controlling my computer. That's right folks, my big watermelon belly had clicked on several links and even typed letters as I was playing with Micah. Oi. Now whenever I try to sit at a right angle while on the computer (or forbid I try to reach for something in front of me) my belly happily clicks away on my Dell..... it's officially time to get this little girl out :P
Speaking of which, if Elizabeth comes today, she will be born on National Blueberry Pancake Day, Daisy Day, and National Kazoo Day... love it! Gerbera daisies are my favorite flower and who can resist a kazoo? I mean, it's the musical instrument for people with absolutely zero musical talent... it's an equalizer :)

As I read this, I laugh out loud thinking, "I wonder what the something shiny was that Micah ran after....." :D Can't wait to meet Miss Lizzie!!
I can't argue with the merits of being born on National Blueberry Pancake Day.
You had me cracking up this morning! Was her taste in internet browsing acceptable :) Maybe she has a few things to look up before she makes it into this crazy world!! Have a great day Abby!
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