This Sunday, Nate finished his first ever marathon! He kept just under his goal pace until he hit the 18 mile mark when he got some wicked cramps.... he still pulled in a "very manly" ,as my dad put it, finish time and now he is psyched to run the Houston Marathon next year and hit his goal of finishing under 4 hours! He was so close this year that I have no doubt he can smash that barrier next year.... way to go, Nate!!
Micah had the best view in the house :)

Nate was looking strong when he passed us at mile 20... I had no idea he was cramping!

Well, when he stopped to stretch them out, that clued me in a bit ;-)

If she came today, Lizzie would be born on National Popcorn Day :)
Nate looked good...and so did Micah on Grandpa's shoulders... and Grandpa!
Who knew there was a National Popcorn Day??
Thanks babe! Can't wait to run the half with you! :)
Nate's a manly man. You can't bluff your way through a marathon.
WAY TO GO NATE! That is so fantastic!!!
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