I had so much fun with random holidays with Micah, that I thought I'd start telling you Lizzie's possible holidays... c'mon, it'll be fun! If Lizzie was born today, she would share her day with Thesaurus Day and Winnie the Pooh Day... not shabby :)
Since she is so close to that 37 week mark, not a lot is happening in her development. Most likely her lungs are already developed and ready for oxygen at this point and all of her other systems are ready to function outside the womb. My handy tracker tells me that Lizzie is the size of a large cantaloupe which makes her somewhere between 17.5 to 19 inches long and between 5.75 and 6.75 pounds... at this point, babies vary so much in size that the tracker numbers are pretty unreliable. Apparently she is gaining about an ounce a day at this point :)
Anyhoo, I'm going to the doctor this morning and she is going to check me for dilation for the first time... I am trying to prepare myself for either extreme of being much more dilated than expected or not dilated at all so that I won't be shocked or disappointed :P At this point with Micah, I was 2 cm and 80% effaced.... we'll see. If I find anything out of consequence, then I'll tack it on to the end of this post about lunch time... I KNOW you're holding your breath ;-)
Update~ My doctor checked me and I am 2 cm dilated, 80% effaced.... EXACTLY where I was with Micah at this point!

And then how long was it before he appeared in person? Not that she will necessarily follow his lead!!
crrrazzy! i will be 36 wks this friday....puts in perspective that little ones 'could' come soon :) excited to see little liz! -- liz dammel
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