Friday, February 15, 2008

Brain Fart

On the way to work today I remembered something that I really needed to go buy. I remember that I needed it for something very soon, I remember thinking that it was good I had thought of this while I still had time to go and pick it up......I remember everything but what the item was! I cannot for the life of me remember now what I was going to go get! And the worst part is that I remember thinking that I would have to get it at Target which does absolutely NOTHING to narrow down the item for me. I remember the other things I thought of after that item that I could also get since I was now going to Target, but I am drawing a complete blank. BLAH!

If God somehow reveals to you what it is that I needed to get before this weekend, please leave me a note so that I can stop going crazy :P


Liz said...

Is it a certain gift for a certain friend of ours? :)

Abby said...

haha, no... I bought that last week. DRAT! I still have nothing!