Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Growth Chart

Pretty much at this point everything has formed, it's just getting bigger :) To make growth chart a little more interesting, I will now be including belly pics from each week..... so get excited :)

What is happening with your baby?

A protective covering called myelin is beginning to form around his/her nerves. This covering will continue to form up until your baby's first birthday. If you are having a little girl, her fallopian tubes and uterus have positioned themselves into the correct place. If you are having a little boy, then his genitals may be noticed on your next ultrasound. However, many babies do not like to cooperate during the ultrasound, and the genitals cannot be seen.

How big is your baby?

Your baby is now around 7 inches long and weighs 5 1/2 ounces.

Do you think they ever just guess to appease the parents when they can't see the genitals on the ultrasound? I think I have a new thing to pray for... if I go in next week and they tell me the baby just isn't cooperating I think I'll go crazy :P Anyhoo, this is me from this Sunday which was the 17.5 week mark. I am in no way sticking it out and I couldn't suck it in if it were my lone desire :P

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