Thursday, February 21, 2008

Shifting Responsibilities

Let me set up the situation a bit. I have a coworker who is about 2 years ahead of me in terms of time out of school and I get alot of assignments from her. She set up an appointment to get a set of plans signed at SBC today a couple of weeks ago and then was bummed when a lunch thing came up at work that she wanted to go to. According to her, she would "never make it back in time". Well, she signed up for the lunch anyway as did I, which she knows. A speaker is coming in and they are charging us $15 for the thing. You had to prepay.

Ok now fastforward to yesterday~

Kristin ~ "Abby, I think I am going to have you go get the signatures tomorrow. Plus we need to run the plan sets downtown immediately afterwards to get to Brett."

Abby ~ "Ummmm, ok.... so I am going to miss the AWC lunch?"

Kristin ~ "No, you shouldn't." And then she lays out a timeline in which if I catch every single green light, hit no traffic, if SBC is ready to sign on time and if they only take 15 minutes to do so then I might be back right when the lunch starts..... easy peasy, right? If the thunderstorms that are predicted end up hitting during that time then it will likely extend said timeline by maybe an hour based on what I need to do and how I need to go to get there.

Ok, I am trying desperately not to be a brat about this, but Kristin has no reason not to go herself except for a lack of desire to do so... she told me. This also wouldn't phase me, but if she had told me even 2 days sooner then I wouldn't have spent $15 on a lunch I may never get to eat. ARG! And to this situation I apply a quote from the Princess Bride~

"Life is pain, your highness. Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something."

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