Monday, June 30, 2008

Day 1

I am sitting at home, watching the Today Show and making a grocery list. It doesn't feel real yet, but I'm just trying to be productive as possible :)

An update for those of you I didn't see this weekend.... My doctor's appointment last Friday went fairly well and as my doctor said, "You're going to have a baby soon!". She said that right before she told me that I had progressed to 2 cm dilated!! Progression is goooooooood :) I'm aiming for 3 cm by my Thursday morning appointment and labor by Thursday afternoon :) Seriously though, I'm just pleased that I haven't gotten stuck yet. If I continue to progress at that rate, then he really will be coming to meet us soon!!

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Jen Lewis said...

That is so exciting Abby! I can't wait to see him!!! Maybe he will be a 4th of July baby. Then EVERYONE in the country would celebrate with him and he would get fireworks every year! I want fireworks on my birthday. Oh, and he would always be off of work on his birthday. I am shooting for the 4th. ;)

Glad you are managing to be productive and are not feeling sick! I miss you.

Anonymous said...

I'm shooting for the third...his grandfather's birthday!
