Thursday, June 19, 2008

Heavy Issues

We've all been there before... ok, maybe not all of us..... I mean, my Dad reads this blog, so not ALL of us :) But in general, we've all had a season in our lives where we start to worry a bit about putting on some poundage. We step onto the bathroom scale and when a +2 pound reading from a few days previous shows up, we begin to worry that this is a beginning of a trend. I used to have those feelings too. I never worried all that much about my weight, but I would get uneasy if it started to make a steady climb, albeit a small one.

Well, pregnancy is different. It IS going to go up and the ONLY thing that stops it is the birth and then it is up to you to turn the direction of the weight changes around. I haven't struggled with body issues during the pregnancy like a lot of women do... it just hasn't been an issue. I have gotten self conscious from time to time about how much bigger my belly is than the average women at my stage of pregnancy, but I get over it every time :)

Anyhoo, every time I go to the doctor (which will be weekly starting tomorrow) I get weighed. At my last appointment I reached a new milestone.... that's right Comers and Goers, I made it to the next big notch..... on the scale that is :) Instead of sliding the smaller weight over perilously close to the edge of it's capacity, the large weight made an extra jump to the right and it became official.... I am no longer a two notcher. I confess that I was strangely excited about this and somewhat relieved. I mean, earlier as I watched them progressively push the small weight further over I was beginning to feel like I was watching the Cliffhanger game on the Price is Right where the yodeling Swiss man got closer and closer to falling off the peak of the mountain. Frankly, I'm glad he is safe on the left again and unless something goes horribly wrong, I won't see him repeat his next dangerous ascent :)

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Jana said...

Congrats on your record-breaking achievment! You may be inching up the scale, but I think you look great!! It is all in your cute belly. I was just thinking yesterday how great you looked in your maternity pics and how I wish I look like that when I'm pregnany. I was noticing how you were your teeny-tiny self all over...except for the belly of course which is supposed to grow:)

Abby said...

haha, thanks :)