Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Crud Nuggets

I just typed this entry and my computer deleted it prior to spell checking and now I feel stupid typing it again as it was not exactly fine literature. Well, here we go anyway :P

I have been wiped out all week and I am now officially into my second day of proof reading the most boring Geotech report known to man (as opposed to all those wildly exciting Geotech reports with multiple plot twists and such :) Anyhoo, I have noticed that when my life gets mundane then my blog either becomes boring or increasingly more random. I'm going for random here with these two quotes from the Office~

After learning of his promotion-

Dwight~ "My first order of business is to choose my number 2. My ideal choice? Jack Bauer. But he is unavailable, fictional... and overqualified."

Dwight~ "I want you to act as the secret Assistant Regional Manager, however, I will maintain the title publicly."
Pam~ "You are going to be your own assistant?"
Dwight~ "That's right, I need somebody I can trust."

1 comment:

Sarah D said...

I dunno, I've read a few geotech reports that have me riveted to every last word and I can't believe how it ended. ;-) Borings can be... boring. (Bet you never heard that one before!